The Three Powerful Herbal Formula For Colon Cleansing

Cleansing the colon is a good initial step, because efficient waste disposal is essential in order to prevent the accumulation of debris and disease. Many modern bowels are accustomed to highly processed food, JAMB Expo and drink. The stress of our diet can cause a variety of disorders to arise, from a wide range of bowel complaints to less-obvious problems in other parts of the body like skin disorders, general allergies, and so on. A common problem today is poor stomach activity with depleted digestive juices, which contributes to making the colon less competent and more prone to under activity or overactivity. Cleansing the colon is a good initial step toward increased health and well-being.

The cleanse can last between two and three weeks or, if taken at a gentler pace, between two and three months. This cleanse should be directed and supervised throughout by a practitioner after initial checks for individual suitability. If the program is not appropriate for any reason, such as work commitments or children, it can be modified and used on a two-day basis. The cleansing must be accompanied by a good diet without coffee, sugar, wheat, dairy products, and so on. Mucus-forming foods must be avoided as they can cause excessive stickiness in the colon, slowing down the passage of the feces and pasting old fecal matter to the walls of the colon. It is important to note that excessive mucus clogs up the whole body, not just the colon, so avoid animal products, eggs, cheese, and all wheat.

Useful additions while cleansing includes:

• Organic flaxseeds or psyllium husks (the fluffy, soft seed tops of a large fleawort, Plantago psyllium, found growing in Asia). Both plants soothe, heal, and attract water into the bowel.

• It is vital to drink plenty of water — two quarts a day at least, but four quarts would be better. Some find tepid water (no sparkling spring water) easier to consume and more detoxifying.

• Good foods: oats, rice, seeds, fruit, vegetables, herbal teas.

The powerful herbal colon cleansing is the following:

1. Chamomile and cascara capsules: This is a very strong formula, designed for the modern bowel. It can be used on a weekly or daily basis on its own but is also a vital part of a three-pronged approach to the cleansing. People who may need to use this are those who are constipated because of an inherited lazy colon or through fiber and water deprivation or those who use morphine and other opiate drugs for pain relief. But there can be many, many other reasons like Waec runs for constipation. The number of people with lifelong genetic and behavioral tendencies toward this condition is rising by the day as junk-food consumption increases. The herbs help to retrain and regulate bowel function, promoting natural peristalsis; they also facilitate water absorption in the bowel and encourage liver, gallbladder, stomach, and pancreatic function. These herbs also clear out some of the old pockets of stagnant fecal matter that may harbor viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria. Should the bowel be inflamed, bleeding, and with pockets, this formula can still be used but with the addition of individually chosen herbs like meadowsweet leaf and flower, marshmallow root, and slippery elm inner bark. Although at first, the formula may not quite suit the individual, minor changes can be made until it does, such as using stool protectors and softeners.

2. Barberry capsules: Once constipation has given way to regular bowel movements, the bowel is ready to be cleansed in a different way. This formula is based on Master Herbalist Dr. Christopher’s formula and is designed more for daily maintenance. Dr. Christopher originally had a dysfunctional and chronically constipated bowel. He wanted to design and use an herbal formula, containing no laxatives that would maintain, strengthen, and gradually improve his bowel after he had cleansed and removed most, if not all, of the old fecal matter with strong herbs and healing clays. Combine this formula separately with psyllium husks, flaxseeds, and plenty of water on a daily basis.

The herbs he used, which now have more than fifty years’ use, included

• Cascara sagrada bark — used in correct quantity, a gentle peristaltic tonic

• Barberry rootbark — a liver and bowel herb

• Cayenne pod — to help circulation and peristalsis

• Fennel seed — alleviates gas and toxicity

• Garlic clove — protects against fungi, viruses, and other microbial

• Gingerroot — warming and circulating

• Licorice root — digestive and tonic

• Lobelia leaf — antispasmodic, relaxing

• Red raspberry leaf — stops bleeding, “feeds” the bowel, provides protective mucilage

• Chinese rhubarb root — gentle, tonic, and laxative

• Turmeric root — assists the immune system and liver

• Wild yam root — a prime digestive (alleviates gas) and liver herb

• Chamomile flower — soothing, antimicrobial reestablishes bowel flora

Mix these together and place in capsules. Many people use this formula on a daily basis, aside from taking it during a bowel cleanses, and it is quite safe to do so.

3. Clay and flaxseed powder: The third herbal formula is designed to draw and detoxify within the bowel. The formula is made with the following powdered herbs: psyllium husks, bentonite clay, apple fruit pectin, flaxseed, slippery elm inner bark, sycamore charcoal, marshmallow root, and fennel seed.

This formula draws out poisons, toxins, and heavy metals (like lead and mercury), and even removes radioactive materials such as strontium 90. It removes more than two thousand known chemical and pharmaceutical drug residues. Another of its incredible abilities is that of softening hardened fecal matter so that it comes away from the colon wall easily and painlessly. At the same time, it soothes and heals the stomach, intestines, and colon itself. Bentonite clay is able to absorb forty times its own weight and gently eases out old fecal matter, stale bile, and other unwanted residues. The clay is derived from volcanic ash and contains montmorillonite, which is a molecule five hundred times smaller than those that make up water (composed of hydrogen and oxygen), making it a far superior cleanser to water. These tiny molecules are capable of getting into the incredibly small nooks that water simply can’t enter, which is vital for a thorough cleanse. Most toxic material is positively charged, while bentonite clay carries a negative charge. Therefore, toxins are immediately neutralized.

The pectin in apples removes radioactive substances from the body and generally detoxifies. Flaxseed and slippery elm inner bark lubricate, nourish, and cleanse. Marshmallow root similarly soothes, and its calcium and magnesium feed the nervous system. Slippery elm and marshmallow share an ability to promote tissue regeneration — useful in a bowel condition in which certain areas have worn very thin or old deoxygenated flesh is being exposed for the first time in years after being cleaned.

Fennel seed is rich in phenols, which act in an antibiotic capacity. Charcoal cleanses the bloodstream supplying the bowel. Psyllium husks provide gentle, healing fiber. This formula can be taken half a teaspoon at a time (once or twice daily), mixed into juice, not just as part of a particular cleanse but by way of gently and consistently cleansing.
